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What Are Backlinks???


So what are backlinks? Backlinks, to put it simply, are links from other websites linking to your site.

The reason that you want these links is because the more links to your website the better chance your site has of a higher ranking for your keywords. But before you run out and try and spam as many backlinks as you can note that the search engines have wised up to this practice. If your site suddenly has hundreds or thousands of links this draws an immediate red flag that something is fishy. Your keyword rankings will almost certainly be negatively affected.

So what are good backlinks?

Generally a backlink is considered "good" if it meets at least a few search engine qualifications. Search engines have an internal ranking system of how "good" your backlinks are. The three most important criteria of a good link I have found are limited amount of links in your content. (no spamming) Linking from a site that is relevant to your own and links within the body of your content.

I have found the easiest way to avoid getting penalized is to simply write content that is good enough for people to actually want to link to. Easier said than done but that is another issue. I myself am a sucker for free things so you can't go wrong with offering guides, downloads or whatever it is that you think is related to your site for free

I typically use the Google toolbar to help figure out if a link is "good". The toolbar has hand little feature that tells you the page rank of the site that you are at. This not a guarantee but I find it to be a pretty good indicator.

How do I find them?

Look for sites that are relevant to your own and try and get that site or sites to link to your web page. Most of the time you will need a backlink to them as well so take that into consideration.

Another great method is to submit your site to a related directory that is relevant to your site. There are many, many directory sites out there. A simple search should find tons. But, do not spam every directory you can find. Again, make sure they are related to your niche otherwise you are just wasting your time and the time of the person running the directory site.

My personal favorite and the one that garners the best results for me are the article submission websites. Simply write a quality article with some links to your site and the search engines typically find you very quickly. Like the directory sites, there are a lot of article submission sites. When looking for an article submission site always strive for quality over quantity. "Shot gunning" an article to hundreds of article sites tends to backfire.

Lastly, a few quick and easy methods are to either start up a related blog or comment on related blogs. Posting in related forums is great way to backlink as well.

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