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Avoid These Mistakes For Better SEO
Search engine optimization or SEO is the cornerstone of inbound marketing - your strategy to get found. While it only accounts for 25% of page ranking, it is important to pick the most relevant keywords for your business. Selecting the best keywords for your business is the foundation of SEO. The process of selecting the most relevant keywords that have a high search volume while a low difficulty rate to rank for can be difficult as there are only 10 spots on the first page of most search engines. While you can be doing many things right in your keyword research, we have identified things to avoid. 8 Search Engine Optimization Mistakes to Avoid 1. Non-Customer Driven Keywords. It is easier to rank for terms that are rarely searched but if rarely searched, you will not be found. Ex. for a Las Veges advertising agency, one would not target: advertising in the desert and expect tons of traffic. 2. Failure to Have a Title Tag. A title tag is what appears in the blue browser bar when viewing the page. It is important to have your most important keywords to the left of the title tag with 8-10 words maximum or 1-2 keyword phrases. 3. JavaScript Menu. This is not searchable. However if you just cannot depart, create a site menu so that the links can be crawled. 4. Too Many Keywords. Keyword mashing is a thing of the past. Trying to cram in too many keywords is a sure fire way to be ignored but the search engines. 5. Non-Unique Description. The meta description will not help with page ranking but it will entice people to read which will increase traffic and ranking. This is a snapshot of what the page is about. 6. Failing to Alt-Text Images. Images create that visual that is appealing to readers. Not adding keywords to the image is defeating the point of having an image. 7. Duplicate URL. Each page on your website or blog needs its own URL. Duplicate URLs tells the search engines nothing and you are overlooked. 8. URL with No Keywords. A URL that does not have keywords is telling the search engines to pass over that page. Why should they look at it if they do not understand what you are trying to say? Where are you adding value? On-page search engine optimization is a quarter of the optimization process but nonetheless important. It is that crawlable content that helps with page ranking. It tells your story of why your content is relevant and worth reading.
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