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Adsense Blacklist is Free! Why Allow LPCAs Rape Your Websites?


Guest Post By Suresh Khanal

Advertisers are being raped. Many websites are MFA (Made For Adsense) that produces lots of clicks, just to pickpocket advertisers. Moreover, publishers apply all-colored-hat tricks in an attempt to maximize revenue from their site leaving advertisers feel unfair. The plight on the other hand is not different either. Publishers are equally (even more) suffering from LPCAs (Low Pay-per Click Advertisements). They find dozens of clicks on Ads just to pay them $0.12! Its not fair. My website is being raped by LPCAs! Solution? Its Adsense Blacklist!

Webmasters be alert, if there is no change in the traffic and quality to your site and your earning suddenly reduced, certainly, your site is being raped! Kick those Low Paying Ads out of your territory before you are ruined. As publishers of MFA (Made for Adsense) websites ruining the Adsense Program, even more deadly those LPCAs too! Though there are very limited tools for publishers to control which Ads to allow on their sites, but still the road is not completely crumbled.

It is a simple list of URLs of those Ads that pays very low. There is no worry to thrash it out of the door. This list you can copy and paste in Competitive Ads Filter box in your Adsense account to slam the door for them for ever. It would be almost impossible to create such a list for your website if there were not auto generators. Thanks to AdsBlackList that does the hardest part of the job.

How to Create Adsense Blacklist Automatically for my site?

Well, you can watch your site and identify the sites that might pay you less. Those sites with multiple dots on their domain name, those sites from BlogSpot, those site that were made for adsense only, right click on the ads and choose properties to read the URL which is somewhere at the end of Ad URL. But why to work that hard when you can just create a free account onwww.adsblacklist.com and generate the most suitable list for you?
  1. Register AdsBlackList site.

  2. Add your domain name in your account.
  3. Click Generate List
  4. Now drag your domain name from that left box to the right box. When I tried to drag in my firefox browser, I could not and did it from Internet Explorer. Might be the adon required for firefox was not installed.
  5. Choose whether you need the black list of MFA or LCPC Ads
  6. Click Generate.
Well done! This list you can copy and paste on your Acompetitive Ads Filter in Adsense account. Why allow LPCAs rape your website when Adsense Blacklist is Free?

Author Bio : Author of this article is writing at his website
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