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Write Articles To Make Money Online!!!
Can you write? Is there something that you're passionate about that you could write many articles about? Or you willing to do a little research to write articles about stuff you might not know anything about? That's all it takes to earn money online by writing articles for others. The internet is filled with places that pay you to write. Associated Content is one of the most popular places that will pay you to submit articles. They will pay you on a per article basis. They also have a bonus incentive program. If you're able to draw visitors to your articles that you write for Associated Content, they will pay you. In fact, they pay you $1.50 for every thousand views your articles receive. This really adds up, especially if you have a popular article. There are quite a few other places that pay you to write articles. Some sites, such as freelance websites, allow you to market your skills, and even sometimes bid on projects that other people what completed. What if someone wants to setup a website about fishing and they commission 10 articles about fishing? If you think you can write these articles, then you can contact the person and get paid to write those 10 articles. Here are some tips to help you to earn more money by being a freelance writer: 1) Always Proofread Your Stuff - I know that it seems the quicker you can bust out an article and submit it, the more articles you'll be able to write, and therefore the more money you make. But if you are submitting sub-par content, you may not get paid as much as you could, or you just won't get hired as much to write content for others. Take a few minutes and proofread your work, and it will do wonders. 2) Don't Sell Yourself Short - Sometimes you may just want a few bucks, so you'll sell an article for a few dollars less than you wanted to. Don't! You'll be able to find a buyer for the article, so don't sell yourself short. We all want to earn money, but if you sell yourself short once, you will continue to. 3) Respect Deadlines - If you are commissioned to write for someone else, be sure to finish within the deadline. Nothing is more damaging to your freelance writing reputation than not delivering on time. Life happens, and sometimes you just can't finish the articles on time, but it shouldn't be a habit. If you follow these tips, and work hard, you can make some decent money online by writing articles for other people.
October 12, 2016 at 11:16 PM
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