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Earn From Google AdSense............
Well, one way to make money from your web site is to allow other businesses to advertise on it. And the easiest way to do that is with Google AdSense. Google's AdSense program is a business service that allows you to make money by displaying targeted text ads on your website. The ads are paid for by Google AdWords advertisers who want to attract new customers with pay-per-click advertising. Here's how the Google AdSense program works: You become an AdSense "publisher" when you sign up for an AdSense account with Google. Every time one of your visitors clicks on one of the text ads displayed on your site, you earn money. The text ads are small and unobtrusive. And because the ads are "contextual" (or related in some way to your site content), they can actually add value to your customers. Google also allows you to block certain ads or content that might compete with your own. One warning, however. As easy as it is to make money with Google AdSense, there arepotential drawbacks. If you sell products and services on your website, for example, you can end up hurting your own sales by diverting traffic AWAY from your website! That said, there ARE ways to maximize your revenue with AdSense. Here are five proven tips on making money online with Google AdSense: By following the above tips on making money online with Google AdSense, you can easily add another stream of revenue to your business. You can also get additional free tips on making money online from Google.
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